Totally out of my comfort zone and so very, very excited it worked!!!!!
I decided I would give making my own jewelry a whirl. When Crowabout StudioB gave me her NAMASTE Mini Digital Pack to play with... I was giddy to get started.
Well, as all things Arline go... I ordered the wrong paper to create with. So I had to make due with going "old school" and sticking to digital scrapping.
Oh, how I loved playing with the pieces in the kit...and KNEW I had to bring this doll to life.
Today my paper arrived and I got to work, printing out all my pieces and shrinking them.
Bob said he should have taken a video of me... in my Hello Kitty pjs, sitting in front of the oven, with the oven light on... squealing as my paper shrunk. He said it was like watching a kid with Shrinky Dinks. (sssh.... don't tell him that's exactly what it was... it's our secret.)
I have to go to the craft store tomorrow to get chain to complete my necklace... she needs to be able to hold her sign as well...
All I can say is... if you imagine it... create it. If you dream it... live it!
I sooooo love this Arline!