Monday, April 20, 2015


They say when one door closes another door opens.  I announced here a couple weeks ago that I'd been accepted as a CT member for Holliewood Studios.  I was beyond excited.  I made a very difficult decision a few weeks ago to leave my work with AdoptaPlatoon.  I had been their Campaign Director for nearly fourteen years. I was at a loss with what to do with myself. A lot of changes have taken place over the years and it was time for me to move on.  While I still believe letters and care packages are still needed for my fellow Brothers and Sisters in arms, I had decided to channel my assistance and voice to help here at home. There is a strong voice need to advocate for Veterans....  but, I digress.  I guess the creative Gods knew I now had some free time on my hands and last week Marsha asked me to join her team at Tumble Fish Studios.

My first assignment from both of these fabulous artists?  What was it you ask?  A COLLAB!!!!!!!  Be still, my heart!  ...and my stomach.  I will mention here what I did not post to the gallery or the MC Facebook page.  When it came down to actually posting my first piece I thought I was going to VOMIT!!  I cannot remember the last time I had butterflies, had been that nervous, or thought I had bitten off way more than I could chew!  YIKES!

Well, the week has come and gone.  Last night was the release and I'm still here.  Giddy with excitement.  So out of my league it isn't funny but hip hop happy to be a part of the team!!!

These women are amazing!  Their work is outstanding and their hearts are golden.  They encourage, they applaud, they inspire.  A new door has opened.  Something IS waiting around the corner!  I'm back to the theme that brought me here!  Believe in yourself!!!  Go forth!!!  CREATE!!!!

A huge thank you to Hollie and Marsha for believing in me!  Now on to some samples from their delightful collaboration "EVERLAND"  It is chock full of fairies, creatures, butterflies....  flowers, houses, mushrooms and fairy dust!  If you have not caught on and followed me over to Mischief Circus today had better be the day you do!!!  The kits are on sale right now and they are awesome!!!!!!

 One's destination is never a place but a new way of seeing things. -Henry Miller

 ...what tangled webs we weave.

 Princess Cafeteria
Live Music 10-2

 I so love when a kit calls for me to toss my granddaughters in to play along.

Until next time....

Hugs and Purrs from my corner,

1 comment:

  1. Arline these are awesome!!! You should be extremely proud! big hugs xoox
